Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bioshock Infinite: Fan Poster

The new Irrational Studios game, Bioshock Infinite is coming out soon, and so I have been working on a fan piece for it. I like the game series mostly for its use and focus on real world ideology of philosophy, political discourse and its examination of how it applies to society and how society evolves or reacts to these pressures. The story built within these games is also quite good, given its platform of a first-person shooter.

For this piece specifically I wanted to focus on the theme of American exceptionalism that occurs through the game, hence the red, white and blue color palettes. I also wanted to bring out more of the flat and symbolic quality as well because I wanted to go in the direction of a pseudo propaganda-esque style, which I thought was very appropriate not only for the city but for the two factions living within the city as well. Overall I think it was successful and I'm happy with the result.

Above: Bioshock Infinite Poster
All rights reserved Irrational Games