Monday, July 15, 2013

SEPTA Logo re: Design

I have recently been taking the train into the city every Wednesday, for a weekly event and have noticed the ever present logo and type face of the transportation authority everywhere I look. The original logo has a two color palette of red and blue, with a single futuristic and geometric swab of negative space through the middle. This white space constitutes the letter S which alludes to SEPTA (South Eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority).

Above: SEPTA Original Logo

This logo is very simple, clean, and designed well enough to communicate the language of movement and the feeling of being in transit. It takes on a very "Vignellion" feel when included with the typeface. This is a great way to design, however I felt like taking a crack at a re-design, to exercise my creative muscles. This is what I cam up with:

Above: SEPTA Logo re-design

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